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A Busy Weekend For Techies In Indianapolis

By This weekend is an extremely busy weekend for local Indianapolis tech enthusiasts! Startup Weekend Bloomington and BarCamp Indy both take place this weekend. I am planning on attending both events and am excited to announce that is an official sponsor of both events!

Startup Weekend Bloomington

Startup Weekend Bloomington Logo
When: February 8-10, 2008
Where: City Hall, Bloomington
What to expect: Chaos at its best! Startup Weekend is a gathering of local small business entrepreneurs who work together to create a new startup company from start to finish.

Founders work together to create an idea and turn that idea into reality in 72 short hours. Participants are all equal founders in the newly developed startup.

I was able to attend Startup Weekend West Lafayette and couldn’t wait for Startup Weekend to come back!

BarCamp Indy

BarCamp Indy 2008 Logo
When: 9am-2pm on February 9th, 2008
Where: Unleavened Bread Cafe
What to expect: Some really exciting presentations given by extremely knowledgeable members of the Indianapolis Tech industry.

Presentations include Going Green with Technology by Rajan Chandi, Linux Desktop: Making the Switch by Pascal Calarco, and The Future of Mobile Web which I will be presenting.

I’m really looking forward to meeting many of my local digital friends, who until now I have only communicated with over the web. I also plan on live streaming the entire weekend on so be sure to check back on Friday for the links!

Indiana is finally heading down the right road for technology and this weekend is driving the bus!

WordPress Weekly Episode 4

By WordPress Weekly Episode 4 is up on

WordPress Weekly Podcast I have to admit that this was our best show yet! We were joined by Charles Stricklin, who is the host and producer of The WordPress Podcast.

We also had the honor of having the author of WordPress for Dummies, Lisa Sabin-Wilson, in our chat room during the show! She plans on joining us for a future show, but didn’t have a working mic at the time of recording.

I would have posted this sooner, but good ‘ol Comcast went out at my house so I was internetless over the weekend. Bummer.

If you haven’t listened to WordPress Weekly yet, give it a shot. You’re bound to learn something! Be sure to catch the show live Friday nights at 9pm EST on!

Alternageek Technology Podcast Reviews Windows Vista

By I recently submitted a request to the tech junkies over at the Alternageek Technology Podcast for a review of Windows Vista.

Alternageek Technology Podcast LogoBeing the awesome hosts that they are they decided to give Vista a review on their recent episode.

I won’t spoil the review for you, but will say it’s worth listening to! If you haven’t listened to their podcast before give it a shot. I always look forward to the new episode released every Tuesday. What other podcast can you request a review of something and listen to it within a matter of weeks?

About Alternageek Technology Podcast:

The Alternageek podcast covers a general scope of technology. We discuss Linux, Windows, Mac, Web 2.0, the Internet, software applications and gadgets. The show is targeted towards power users and technology enthusiasts. Linuxchic and TechMonkey host the weekly show that is released every Tuesday and runs approximately an hour.

Worky Work Busy Bee

By I’m busy, if that wasn’t already obvious. I’m in the early stages of moving the entire warehouse from location A to location B, so as you can imagine things are pretty busy for me at work.

I’m also very busy working on and We’ve been hard at work on big updates most recently with the launch of the SnapFoo Bebo Application.

I also have a couple big events coming up I’m preparing for. First I will be attending Startup Weekend Bloomington, which is the weekend of February 8th. Second is BarCamp Indianapolis on Saturday February 9th, where I will be giving a presentation on The Future of Mobile Web.

February is shaping up to be a busy month, but I would much rather be busy than bored!

WordPress Weekly Episode 3

By WordPress Weekly Episode 3 is up on

WordPress Weekly PodcastI wasn’t able to make the show this week, but Jeff and company did a great job covering a slew of hot WordPress topics.

The show notes have been posted with a list of topics covered on this weeks show. David Peralty, from, joined the panel this week and offered some great discussion.

WordPress Weekly is a valuable podcast for anyone interested in WordPress as a blogging platform.

Be sure to catch the show live Friday nights at 9pm EST on!

How To: Create Your First Wikipedia Article

By Have you ever wanted to create a Wikipedia article, but weren’t entirely sure of the proper steps involved? Or maybe you’ve created an article in the past, but it keeps getting deleted by Wikipedia admins? In this article I am going to explain in detailed steps the correct way to create a Wikipedia article. Logo

1. Create an Account – If you do not already have a account you need to create one. You can edit Wikipedia articles without having an account, but to create a new article you need an account.

2. Search for your Article – Search Wikipedia to verify the article you want to write does not already exist under a different title.

3. Create the Page – Once you have verified your article doesn’t already exist on Wikipedia you will need to create it! On the search results page you will see a bright red bold link that says:

Create the page including your references.

Click this link to get started!

TIP: Wikipedia is case-sensitive which means brad williams is not the same as Brad Williams. Be sure to search for your article in the CASE you want it displayed in.

4. Start Writing! – This is the part of the article writing process where the most confusion comes in, writing your article.

Start your article with this line: {{underconstruction}}

Wikipedia underconstruction tag banner

The underconstruction tag will add a banner (see above) at the top of your article stating the article is under construction. This alerts the admins that your article is a work in progress. This is commonly overlooked, but will keep your article safe from deletion while you work on it.

Next let’s add an Infobox to your article:

Example of Wikipedia Infobox An Infobox is a great way to sum up key information about your article. Not every article needs an Infobox. Wikipedia provides a set of Infobox templates ready to go for major categories. You can view that list here:

Wikipedia Infobox Templates

Select the category that best fits your articles topic. Here is an example of an Infobox I created for a Fraternity article:

{{Infobox Fraternity
|name= Delta Gamma Iota
|crest= [[Image:DeltaGammaIota_Crest.gif]]
|founded= [[1965]]
|birthplace= [[Vincennes, Indiana]]
|free_label = Founding Principles
|free = [[Diligence]] [[Integrity]] [[Brotherhood]]

Each template will have a list of available fields that you can utilize. Feel free to remove any fields you do not want displayed. Also notice these two lines from above:

|free_label = Founding Principles
|free = [[Diligence]] [[Integrity]] [[Brotherhood]]

This is a Free Label, which allows you to create any item you would like on your Infobox. Just fill out the name next to free_label and fill out the values next to free and your all set!

Now it’s time to write the substance of your article. Wikipedia is VERY strict on plagiarism and copyrighted materials. Your article needs to be unique. Wikipedia is also very strict about references. You need to have references for the facts that you are stating.

Adding References
Wikipedia states references are required for “direct quotes and for material that is challenged or likely to be challenged.” Any material that is challenged and for which no source is provided within a reasonable time (or immediately if it’s about a living person) may be removed by any editor.

There are two steps involved for creating references.

1. Place the <ref></ref> tags where you want a footnote reference number to appear in an article
2. Place {{reflist}} at the bottom of your article. This is where your references will be listed.

The following code:

was founded in 1965<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Delta Gamma Iota Official Site| accessdate=2008-01-21|}}</ref>

Will create this reference:

Wikipedia Reference Example

So lets break this down:
|url= – the link to the web page you are referencing.
|title=Delta Gamma Iota Official Site – this is the title of your reference displayed in your references section
| accessdate=2008-01-21 – this is the date you retrieved the information.
| – this is the original publisher of the information.

References are a required element of your article. 99.9% of articles written with no references will be deleted from Wikipedia.

Now lets discuss some common formatting options for your article.

  • Add italics by placing two apostophes (NOT one double quote) around the word(s) – e.g. ”hello there” will display as: hello world
  • Add bold by placing three apostrophes at each end of the word(s) e.g. ”’hello there”’ will display as: hello world
  • Add bold and italic by placing five apostrophes around the word(s) e.g. ””’hello there””’ will display as: hello world
  • Add an internal link (to another Wikipedia article) by placing the title of the article in double square brackets (make sure it’s spelled correctly) – e.g. [[Hello world]] will link to the article called Hello world
  • Add an external link (to somewhere else on the web,) by placing the entire URL within single square brackets (make sure it’s correct) – e.g. [] (must have “http”) will link to the webpage at
  • To indent a paragraph, put a colon (:) beginning the line (2 colons = double indent)
  • To do bullet points, put a star (*) at the start of each line
  • To do a numbered list, put a hash (#) at the start of each line

At anytime during your writing process you can click the “Show Preview” button to get a look at what you have done so far. This does NOT save your article, but does show a preview of what it will look like. When you are done editing your article click the “Save Page” button to save your article. The first time you save your article it will appear live on, so make sure you have a semi-working page built before the first save.

TIP Add the {{inuse}} tag anywhere in your article to let others know you are currently working on this article. This is typically only used for larger edits and more popular articles. Read more about {{inuse}}

5. Add a Category All Wikipedia articles must be placed in at least one relevant category. The easiest way to find categories for your article is to search for a page on a topic similar to yours, copy the category code and add it to the bottom of your new article.

Sample category code:


The category code is placed at the bottom of your article.

6. Clean-up your new Article – Once you are done with your new Wikipedia article remember to remove any temporary tags you might have added to your article including the {{underconstruction}} tag and the {{inuse}} tag.

Congratulations! You have just created your first Wikipedia article! Remember you can edit any page in Wikipedia. If you get stuck just find an article that has the feature you want and click the “edit this page” button at the top to see how they accomplished adding that feature.

Below is the entire code I used to create the Delta Gamma Iota article on Wikipedia for reference:


{{Infobox Fraternity
|letters= ?GI
|name= Delta Gamma Iota
|crest= [[Image:DeltaGammaIota_Crest.gif]]
|founded= [[1965]]
|birthplace= [[Vincennes, Indiana]]
|type= Social
|colors= Maroon and White
|flowers= Black Rose and Cala Lilly
|free_label = Founding Principles
|free = [[Diligence]] [[Integrity]] [[Brotherhood]]
|address=420 Shelby St.
|city= Vincennes
|state= Indiana
|country= USA

”’Delta Gamma Iota”’ (”’?GI”’) was founded in 1965<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Delta Gamma Iota Official Site| accessdate=2008-01-21|}}</ref> at [[Vincennes University]] in [[Vincennes, Indiana]]. The Beta Chapter was founded Nov 11th 1995 at [[Indiana University South Bend]]. The Gamma Chapter of Delta Gamma Iota was founded on February 7, 1998 at [[Ball State University]] in [[Muncie, Indiana]].

The Art and Science of JavaScript from SitePoint

By I just received my latest book in the SitePoint collection, The Art & Science of JavaScript.

The Art & Science of JavaScript Book As always SitePoint has gathered some of the greatest minds in modern JavaScript to collaborate on an amazingly easy to follow book.

The Art & Science covers some great topics including Google Maps and Flickr mashups, building your own fully accessible 3D maze, draggable and sortable table columns, and much more!

SitePoint has always amazed me with the beautiful layout and design of their books. Code is easily readable in a fixed-width font with a blue background. The book also displays Tips, Notes, and Warning icons to help expand upon certain points.

This book is geared towards anyone who is familiar with JavaScript and wants to take their skills to the next level.

Bloomington Startup Weekend Starts February 8th

By Startup Weekend is coming back to Indiana! This time making a stop at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.

Startup Weekend Bloomington IndianaStartup Weekend Bloomington will take place on the weekend of February 8th-10th. This will mark the second Startup Weekend of the year. Tickets for the event are $20 and go towards covering event expenses.

I had the opportunity to attend Startup Weekend West Lafayette back in October of last year. I was only able to participate for one day, but had a great time working on

Unfortunately Startup Weekend is scheduled directly over BarCamp Indianapolis this year so I will not be able to attend on Saturday, but I am planning on participating Friday to again experience the madness that is Startup Weekend!

Rumor has it that Andrew Hyde, the founder of Startup Weekend, might make an appearance at BarCamp Indy on Saturday if he comes to town! Be sure to send him a few hundred emails to ensure he makes it! For Creative People and Innovative Ideas

By Thanks to Noah on the BarCamp Indy site I found another great local networking group called In their own words:

Smaller Indiana makes creative people and innovative ideas easier to find. This is the place for you to share your ideas and engage with Indiana’s most creative and inspired souls…working together to build community,culture and commerce.

At already 292 members, Smaller Indiana is becoming a great resource for local communication. Topics range from technology, commerce, marketing, community, and culture.

Smaller Indiana was started by Pat Coyle of the Indianapolis Colts. Anyone that knows Pat knows he likes to ask questions and make you think so be sure to join up and start participating in some great conversations today!

WordPress Weekly Podcast episode 2 Live Tonight!

By Tonight we are recording the second episode of the WordPress Weekly Podcast LIVE on

WordPress Weekly PodcastWe had a great time recording last weeks episode and expect an even better episode this week! This week we will have the same cast of Jeff from Jeffro2pt0, Ronald from The Reader Appreciation Project, and myself.

Jeff has posted a list of topics we plan on covering and I’m sure we will discuss a few topics not listed. If you’re interested in blogging, already a blogger, or a seasoned vet on the front lines of blogging than this podcast is for you! This show is for everyone with an interest in WordPress and blogging in general.

Be sure to join us for the live recording at 9pm ET tonight on!

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Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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