Professional WordPress Plugin Development
Professional WordPress Plugin Development, the new book I co-authored, is the definitive guide to developing professional plugins for the open-source platform WordPress.
This book covers a wide range of plugin dev topics including:
- Plugin foundation
- Creating widgets and shortcodes
- Custom post types and taxonomies
- WordPress coding standards and styles
- Action and filter hooks
This book is the first of its kind with the many advanced topics covered. Most of these topics have never been in print! Advanced plugin development topics include:
- HTTP API including Google Map examples
- JavaScript and Ajax
- Cron event scheduling
- Rewrite API and query handling
- Multisite networks
- and more!
Authored by Ozh Richard, Justin Tadlock, and Brad Williams.
This book is the next edition in the WROX programmer to programmer series. It was written by developers, for developers, and will teach you how to program WordPress in easy to understand tutorials and explanations.