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Detecting a Large Multisite Network in WordPress

If you have ever worked on a very large Multisite network in WordPress, you probably understand the challenges of working with large sets of data. WordPress contains a function to help you detect a large network, wp_is_large_network(). This function accepts a single parameter $using, which sets whether to count users or sites. If your network […]

WordPress Checked and Selected Functions

Two of my favorite functions in WordPress are the checked() and selected() functions. Both of these functions are extremely useful whenever you are working with form elements in your plugins and themes so it helps to understand both of these little nuggets of goodness. These two functions are used the same way, but output different […]

How To: Hide an Admin Menu in WordPress

Have you ever needed to hide a specific admin menu from other users in WordPress? Maybe you want to hide the Plugins and Appearance menus to keep your users out of trouble. Just place the below code in your themes functions.php file to hide the Plugins menu from all users except for admin: As another […]

Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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Professional WordPress Third Edition

Professional WordPress Plugin Development