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Live SitePoint Podcast at BlogWorld Expo 2010!

Thursday kicks off BlogWorld Expo 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year the entire SitePoint Podcast team (including myself) will be doing a live show! The live show is scheduled for Friday, October 15th at 2:00PM Pacific Time. If you are attending BlogWorld make sure you stop by and say hi to the podcast team! […]

Naked Cowboy on launched a new channel yesterday for the world famous Naked Cowboy! The Naked Cowboy is a street performer who frequents Time Square New York. I have to admit, this guy is pretty damn funny to watch. During the day he is usually performing for crowds of people and in the evenings he’s singing to […]

Watch me Live!

I know you have all been waiting for it! The time has come! Watch Brad Williams LIVE!I just launched my first channel showcasing my life as an IT Director by day and a Web 2.0 Entrepreneur by night! Watch my success and struggles online and live! Why am I do this you ask? Good […]

Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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