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Philadelphia Gets A WordPress Meetup Group!

Philadelphia now has a Meetup group dedicated to WordPress! I wanted to organize this new Meetup group to help WordPress addicts, like myself, find each other in the City of Brotherly Love. One of the great aspects of WordPress is the community that surrounds it and Meetups are the local lifeline of that community. The […]

The End of Nerd Week

This past week was an insanely busy nerd week for me. On Tuesday I recorded the 7th episode of the SitePoint Podcast with special guest host Sarah Milstein. We dedicated the episode to talking about Twitter and the many uses it has, both personal and business. On Wednesday my business partner and I attended the […]

New Jersey WordPress Meetup coming in January

By New Jersey now has an official WordPress Meetup Group! My company,, is organizing the event and working to build a fun group of WordPress enthusiasts. The WordPress Meetup Group is meeting on January 7th, 2009 in Belmar, NJ This blog has been powered by WordPress since it’s launch over 2 years ago. […]

Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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Professional WordPress Third Edition

Professional WordPress Plugin Development