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October 2007 Not Ready for the Blogosphere

By I’ve decided to remove the widget from my sidebar. If you read my earlier post on BlogRush then you’re familiar with what BlogRush is. I gave BlogRush 2.5 weeks to show me some results. What did I get you ask? 3 hits. 3 HITS! Now I understand I don’t post as much […]

Startup Weekend Indiana: West Lafayette Style

By is coming to Indiana this weekend! If you are unfamiliar with, be sure to read my previous posts. This fast paced weekend begins at 5pm on October 12th and concludes 54 hours later at 11pm October 14th. If you are interested in joining us for the weekend be sure to get […]

Fright Gauge: Are You Scared?

By My web buddy Jeff sent me a great link the other day, Fright Gauge! Fright Gauge is designed to measure your visual acuity. Studies have shown that sight plays a major role in our ability to sense the weird, strange, and supernatural. People with higher-than-average perception skills studies show, are more likely to […] What Would You Do?

By A new site boasts the question “What would you do for 72 hours straight?”. is a 72 hour internet game show. If the contestant can withstand a grueling, no sleep, 72 hour session of some predetermined activity they will win the prize of their choice. The show is underway with one contestant […] Opens to the Public

By, the lifecasting hub, has opened it’s doors to the public. Now anyone with a webcam and a high speed connection can stream their life on has gained a great deal of press over the last several months as they showcased a few internet celebrities streaming their life online. Among these […]

Find Local Halloween Events at

By Staying with the Halloween theme, I’d like to introduce (pronounced Google, clever right?). is an easy way to search for local Halloween events in your area. Just enter your zipcode and away you go! also offers an advanced search allowing you to filter your results by different event types including […]

Top Halloween Related Web 2.0 Sites

By As many of you know Halloween is my favorite holiday. The weather is perfectly chilled out, the fall leaves are coming down, and Jack-O-Lanterns are beginning to show up on doorsteps. I decided to set out on a mission to find the top Halloween related Web 2.0 sites. I’ve followed for many […]

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Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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