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Know how I know this country is gay?

By Know how I know this country is gay? It’s 2007 and we still can’t vote online! Actually it’s 2007 and we can’t even register to vote online! What is wrong with this country? We spend millions upon millions of dollars for voting machines that are untrustworthy, rather than invest that money in technology […]

Stolen Blog Content

By There is nothing in this world more frustrating then someone stealing your blog content. Even worse is when the site stealing your content also steals your search engine placement and you, the original author, gets bumped off the SERPs for duplicate content. This happened to me recently for my post Free Motorola Q […]

Free Motorola Q USB Device Drivers

I learned an interesting fact the other day. Verizon does not allow their customers to download device drivers for their phones. Instead you have to pay $30 and purchase a “music essentials kit”, which includes drivers for your particular phone, some software, and a USB cord. $30!? WTF Verizon? Don’t you think the fact that […]

Blue Screen of Death

Ok so lately my luck with ______ Screen of Death (fill in any color you would like) hasn’t been the greatest. First my Xbox 360 fizzles with the RRoD and now my laptop fried with the BSoD! Yesterday at about 8:30am I received my first blue screen. After the initial lock up I received a […]

Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

It was bound to happen. My Xbox 360 finally received the Red Ring of Death (RROD). What makes it even more frustrating is the fact that I had NO problems leading up to this. My Xbox 360 was amazing and never froze, glitched, locked up, or acted funny in anyway. Then one day BAAM, and […]

Brad Williams Blog

WordPress and the Web

Who is Brad?

Brad Williams picture

Brad Williams is a computer programmer and tech junkie who enjoys exploring technology and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.


CEO of WebDevStudiosMaintainn, and Pluginize. Co-author of Professional WordPress and Professional WordPress Plugin Development.


Brad resides in Philadelphia.


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Professional WordPress Plugin Development